Virgen de Lorea is an historic estate in the Bizkaiko Txakolina appellation. The estate can trace its history back to the 19th century, when Juan Laiseka de la Rozas and his wife, Gregoria del Carral Bollain, produced wine and cider. The family home that still stands to this day was raised up by their daughter Candida Laseika del Carral and her husband, Agustín Goikoetxea Torresagasti. The current owners, direct descendants of the Goikoetxea-Laseika lineage, planted Hondarribi Zuri and Mune Mahatsa (Folle Blanche) in the fields surrounding the house in the 1980s. In the 1990s, the modern winery was constructed and the family returned to the wine trade after a long absence. The winery takes it name from the virgin who is the patron saint of the municipality of Zalla and is worshipped at the hermitage of San Juan de Ormaza.

Because most of the Txakoli with a meaningful commercial footprint in the US market comes from the Txakolina Getariako appellation, many people believe that all Txakolis are meant to be petillant. In fact, bottling with trapped CO2 is unique to Getaria, whereas Txakolina from the Bizkaiko and Arabako appellations has historically been bottled as a still wine. The Bizkaiko zone is also further inland, which means better ripeness can be achieved here than in the rainy, coastal zone of Getaria. This results in a slightly fuller-bodied expression of Hondarribi Zuri that nonetheless retains the characteristic freshness of variety.



Tiro al Blanco - O'Morto Viños


Vinos en Voz Baja